Alex Jones Appeared On Fox News’ Geraldo: Rebels More Likely to be Behind Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria

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Syria: Rebels More Likely To Be Behind Chemical Weapons Attack – Alex Jones Appears On Fox News’ Geraldo at Large

Alex Jones spoke to Fox News‘ Geraldo At Large about the theory that the Syrian rebels were responsible for the recent chemical weapons attack in a ruse to provoke a U.S. intervention.

“I don’t know who launched the chemical attacks, but all the evidence leans toward the rebels having the motive to do it,” Jones said. “And the Russians have put out a new report saying they have proof the rebels did it back in March of this year.”

The Obama administration has been arguing that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used the chemical weapons against his own citizens, to make the case to Congress for military intervention.

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Producer Craig Rivera noted that Jones was a “conspiracy theorist,” but asked if he at least wanted to see some evidence that the rebels had perpetrated the attacks.

“Come on, Obama is putting out conspiracy theories,” Jones said. “He said I have a red line one year ago, now he said he never said that. Kerry said no boots on the ground, now he said, oh, we need them. Is questioning known liars a conspiracy theory?”

“Libya, look what happened there,” Jones added. That was clearly a set-up to put al Qaeda in charge.”

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Tags: Syria, Rebels, Chemical Weapons Attack, Alex Jones, Fox News, Geraldo at Large, news, WW3, Obama’s War