As Dr Steve Pieczenik Confirmed Israel’s Role In The 9/11 False Flag Attacks, Alex Jones Played Disinfo Agent

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9/11 Episode with Christopher Bollyn

Alex Jones and 9-11 Disinfo

By Christopher Bollyn

Alex Jones’ recent interview with Steve Pieczenik is a good example of how Jones misleads the public about who is really behind the false-flag terror atrocity of September 11, 2001.

Govt Insider Confirms Israel’s Role In 9/11 Attacks!

It seems as though many people in the 9-11 truth movement have a habit of listening to Alex Jones wanting to believe that he is truly a source of honest information and analysis.  Unfortunately, especially when it concerns 9-11, he is not.

When I speak about my Solving 9-11 research, I am often asked about Alex Jones.  A supporter just sent me a link to a 47-minute video between Jones and Dr. Steve Pieczenik, from April 21, in which they discussed who they think was behind 9-11. An analysis of their conversation reveals that Jones controls and dominates the discussion to lead the listener away from the truth about who was behind 9-11. In particular, Jones steers the listener away from understanding that Israeli intelligence played the key role, as the architectural level planner and managerial level operator of the false-flag terror atrocity and the subsequent cover-up.

This should come as no surprise, since Alex Jones has been an outspoken supporter of the “Jewish state of Israel” for many years:

Alex Jones:  “I support the Jewish state of Israel.” Notice the natural voice compared to the fake gruff voice used by Alex Jones today.  Video URL:

Jones spends the first twelve minutes of the video promoting himself, boasting that he is the “progenitor” and “father” of 9-11 truth. He finishes his long self-promoting braggadocio saying that “the truth lives here.”

When Steve Pieczenik finally gets to speak, he says:  “The Neo-Cons, the Neo-Con Jews, Israel, Dubai, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, will all be implicated in 9-11.”

Pieczenik goes on to say that dual-national civilians loyal to the state of Israel had taken over the Pentagon under George W. Bush.

He said that he knew immediately on 9-11 that it was a stand-down false-flag terror attack. He said that he got a call from “Israeli operatives” on the morning of 9-11.  The Israelis told him that planes had struck the towers and that the towers were or would be collapsing.

Pieczenik said that he told the Israelis that that was impossible. The Israelis then told him that he must be “an Arabist”.

He told Jones that at that point he knew who was involved in 9-11. “It was Israel,” he told Jones.

Jones then takes a commercial break. When he comes back he spends the next eight minutes defending Israel rather than returning to his guest. In his eight-minute diatribe Jones first takes on some imaginary “white supremacists” who he says just want to “kill all the Jews.” He then goes on about Herr Hitler and talks about how he has always defended the little guy against schoolyard bullies because, he says, it is in his genes.

He then says that the “white supremacists” are all controlled factions, telling his viewers and listeners, “I’m a faction that is not controlled.” All of this is done to give the listener the idea that Alex Jones is unlike any other source, that he is giving his listeners the unvarnished truth. In this way Jones tries to cultivate a following of devoted listeners who are willing to believe whatever he says, simply because he says it.

Rather than let his highly-esteemed guest talk about who he thinks is behind 9-11, Jones goes on and on about trivial things that are not at all related to the subject. Finally, he lets Dr. Pieczenik say a bit more about 9-11.

“There are no Muslims involved in 9-11,” Pieczenik says. “The Muslims were not even on the planes.”

If this is true, and the evidence indicates that it is, then the issue of the classified 28 pages is completely irrelevant to 9-11 truth. The fact that a Saudi gave money to two of the alleged hijackers is irrelevant if there were no hijacked planes on 9-11. If the planes that struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were not the planes they are said to have been, which seems to be the case, then the Arab “hijackers” are twice removed from the atrocity. They are nothing but Arab patsies framed by Israeli intelligence.

The highest level members of Israeli military intelligence began predicting that “Arab terrorists” would attack the highest towers in New York City in the late 1970s, exactly when the extreme right-wing Likud party of Jewish terrorists came to power. The false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 were predicted by the former chief of the Mossad, Isser Harel, in 1979, and they were depicted on screen by Israel’s military intelligence agent in Hollywood, Arnon Milchan, in 1978. Amazing how Israeli intelligence agents could see 9-11 coming.

Arnon Milchan’s first film featured a passenger jet crashing into a high-rise tower – in 1978.

Clearly, the plans for 9-11 were on the drawing board at Israeli military intelligence in the late 1970s, when the Zionist terrorist chiefs came to power under Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir’s Likud coalition.

This is the same time when Israel became involved in the Afghan-Soviet war, in which it played a major role. As Pakistan’s Daily Times Monitor reported in July 2003, “Pakistan Got Israeli Weapons During Afghan War”:

Most of the Afghan war against the Soviet Union was fought using Israeli arms supplied after General Zia ul Haq entered into secret deals with Tel Aviv, says a recently published book, Charlie Wilson’s War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History.

Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the Pakistani general who served as president of Pakistan from 1978 until 1988, made deals with the Israelis and then died in a bizarre plane crash that appears to have been the result of sabotage.

Israel provided arms and training to jihadist forces who were fighting the Soviet-backed Afghan government. As A.Z. Hilali wrote in US-Pakistan Relationship: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, thousands of mujahideen fighters, particularly from the Hezb-e Islami faction of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, were trained by Israeli instructors. The head of Pakistan’s ISI agency, Akhtar Abdur Rahman, apparently allowed the Israeli trainers into his country.

This Israeli-armed and trained faction then became Al Qaeda, as The Columbia World Dictionary of Islamism reports: having lost Saudi support when it supported Saddam Hussein and Pakistani support after 1994, “the remainder of Hizb-i Islami merged into al-Qaeda and the Taliban.”

Understanding the key role that Israel played in arming and training the jihadist faction that became Al Qaeda is essential to understanding how Israeli intelligence cultivated the Islamist “enemy” that was blamed for 9-11 and against which we have been waging war ever since. It is all a huge deception.

Sources: Hilali, A. Z., US-Pakistan Relationship: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, Aldershot: Ashgate (2005) p. 124, cited in “Afghanistan-Israel Relations”, Wikipedia, April 25, 2016

The Columbia World Dictionary of Islamism, Olivier Roy, Antoine Sfeir, editors (2007) p.133, cited in “Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin”, Wikipedia, April 25, 2016

– See more at:

VIDEO: 9-11 Truth Poses ‘Existential Threat’ To Israel: Analyst

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The recent media frenzy over Saudi Arabia’s possible role in the September 11, 2001 attacks is aimed at distracting people from much deeper involvement of Israel as the truth would endanger the Tel Aviv regime’s existence, an analyst in Idaho says.

Mark Glenn made the remarks in an interview with Press TV over US Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders’ recent calls on the American government to expose Saudi Arabia’s role in the 9/11 attacks that killed some 3,000 people.

On Sunday, Sanders urged the US to address the “root cause” of the attacks, voicing support for Senate legislation that would allow families of terror victims to sue Saudi Arabia in federal court.

“I believe that the entire operation is one that is rooted in distracting people away from what the truly problematic elements are with regards to 9/11,” Glenn said.

“Let’s keep in mind that 9/11 took place fifteen years ago and since that time we are now involved in the fourth presidential election cycle and yet only now, fifteen years later, suddenly we have people talking about Saudi Arabia’s role,” he added.

Glenn further explained that Sanders and others feel compelled to address the issue not for the sake of revealing the truth but because Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump opened “the can of worms” months ago.

Trump has said that the 9/11 could have been prevented by the US government. He has also brought up the issue of the 28 pages of a congressional report on the attacks that have been kept secret by the White House for over 13 years.

Describing Trump’s comments as “cryptic” and “confusing,” Glenn said the real estate magnate is basically threatening to “start certain discussions that are going to make certain people very uncomfortable,” in case they continue to oppose his candidacy.

“And I believe this revolves all around Israel’s role in 9/11,” he noted.

“This entire operation that Saudi Arabia is being center-staged as the true subject of these 28 pages that have been kept hidden from the American people, this is just, as I said, an operation aimed at distracting people away from the more damning and problematic information where Israel is actually the centerpiece of the discussion,” the analyst continued.

“If the American people were to find out what happened and how Israel was directly involved in 9/11, it would obviously change the political landscape vis-à-vis America and her support for Israel” in such a radical way that would be considered an “existential threat” to the Tel Aviv regime, he concluded.

