Black 12 Yr-Old Brags About Assault On Facebook – A Group of Black Kids Hit & Bully A White Three Yr-Old Girl

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BEYOND SHOCK – A Group of Black Kids Hit & Bully A White Three Year Old Girl

Source Via – Kids bully toddler and make her cry

A group of kids and a pre-teen bully a three year old girl and make her cry at least twice on camera. The cameraman (a 12 year old boy) brags on Facebook and titled his video “When white people piss black people off.”

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A group of kids and a pre-teen bully a three year old girl and make her cry at least twice on camera. The cameraman (a 12 year old boy) brags on Facebook and titled his video “When white people piss black people off.” Source

Tags: Hate Crimes, Black Kids ,Hit , Bully, White Child, 3 Year Old, pre-teen, Black On White Crimes